Officials with MARTA and DeKalb County government invite the public to provide input at upcoming open houses for the I-20 East Transit Oriented Development Strategic Plan.

The meetings are scheduled for:

• 1 to 3 p.m. Nov. 8 at Lou Walker Senior Center, 2538 Panola Road, Lithonia

• 5 to 7 p.m. Nov. 9 at Community Achievement Center, 4522 Flat Shoals Parkway, Decatur

At both meetings, participants will have the opportunity to review exhibits that provide background on the study effort. Participants also can provide feedback on the types of development and amenities that they would like to see along the proposed I-20 East transit corridor.

The purpose of the I-20 East TOD Strategic Plan is to create a blueprint for future TOD at proposed transit stations sites along the I-20 East corridor from the Indian Creek MARTA Station to the Mall at Stonecrest.

TOD is a type of community development that includes a mix of housing, office, retail and other amenities integrated within a walkable environment and centered around quality public transportation. It will create land uses around transit stations that support and promote transit use and encourage future transit ridership.
