Marietta City Schools allows students in grades K-12, who reside outside the district, to attend MCS as tuition students - with certain restrictions.

Tuition for all nonresidential students is $1,500 annually.

This year’s deadline for applications is March 11.

To qualify, interested parents must complete both a Nonresident Student Enrollment Application and an MCS Enrollment Agreement and be approved, according to a MCS statement.

The application must include the student’s most recent school record, including academic grades, test scores, attendance and discipline.

Completed nonresident enrollment applications, with all of the required documents, should be submitted to the principal at the school where the student is applying.

Acceptance as a nonresident tuition student is valid for only one school year, and the paperwork must be resubmitted for approval each school year.

MCS Superintendent Grant Rivera approves all applicants based on the criteria and available space.

Information:, click on “nonresident enrollment” in the list on the right panel.

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Former District Attorney Jackie Johnson smiles at a supporter who took her hand Monday after Senior Judge John R. Turner dismissed one of the two charges she faced.

Credit: Terry Dickson/ The Brunswick News