Marietta City Schools officials plan to embark upon a new approach, “Our First Steps,” on July 29 to welcome children and their families back to school on Aug. 3.
Along with faith-based and community partners, MCS staff will go out in small teams to the homes of MCS students “to build relationships,” said MCS Communications Assistant Susan M. Coviello in a statement.
An estimated 250 to 500 volunteers hope to reach more than 2,000 MCS family homes.
“Family engagement is important. You show us a family that is engaged in the education of their child, and we’ll show you a child that has more opportunities for success,” she said.
“In education, we have a tendency to talk about community engagement as if it is a one-way road with our community coming to us, in our buildings, so we can support and serve them. ‘Our First Steps’ is the beginning of us going to Marietta,” she added.
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