Cobb’s main library near downtown Marietta will receive $654,751 in new furniture as a part of the library’s upgrade.

This decision was made by the Cobb County Board of Commissioners on Nov. 12.

The cost of the furniture will be covered by a state purchasing contract through Carithers-Wallace-Courtenay, Inc.

Upgrades to the Switzer Library, at 266 Roswell St. in Marietta, include conversion of existing space for efficiency, enhanced technological advancement and increased patron usage, according to a county statement.

The existing office and common area furniture at Switzer Library is more than 25 years old and has deteriorated through years of constant use.

Also, due to changing technology requirements, the furniture configuration is no longer appropriate for patron and staff needs.

Funding will come from the 2016 Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax (SPLOST).

No new operational or maintenance costs will be needed in Fiscal Year 2020 for the Switzer Library.

New features of the renovated library will include:

  • Two makerspaces – one for adults, one for teens
  • Dedicated teen space
  • Family computing space on the main floor
  • New children's programming room
  • Outdoor plaza next to the Children's Room with seating and garden area
  • Relocation to Switzer Library of Windy Hill Library's special needs collection and services
  • Enlarged Georgia Room
