A Lithonia man has been arrested and charged with allegedly killing a dog by hanging it on a rail outside a mobile home in Marietta.

Adrian D. Malcom, 30, is in jail after being charged last week with animal cruelty and a felony charge of cruelty to children because a child witnessed the incident, according to police.

The incident happened shortly after noon on Oct. 16 at a home in the Lamplighter mobile home park on Winston Road in Marietta.

Malcom used a chain leash and collar to hang the dog 3 feet above the ground for 4 1/2 hours, causing the dog to die, according to Cobb County police spokesman Sgt. Dana Pierce. Pierce said Malcom apparently was punishing the dog for urinating in the house.

The Lithonia man is also being held on an outstanding criminal trespass charge for being at the mobile home, according to Pierce. when police went to arrest him on the tresspass charge, they were told about the dog.   A necropsy was performed on the dog and revealed that had  been asphixiated.

Malcom is in the Cobb County jail under a $25,000 bond. He also faces questions about his immigration status.