Lilburn recently held a public hearing prior to the adoption of the city’s Fiscal Year 2020/2021 budget.

The budget will be presented for adoption at a special called meeting at 10 a.m. June 22. The Zoom meeting information will be posted on the city's website at prior to the meeting date.

The proposed $12,310,574 total budget will adopt six different balanced budgets including a General Fund totaling $8,657,180.

Highlights of the proposed budget include plans to hire one new IT manager as well as funds for online payment capability. The budget also proposes an increase in salary/position for one code enforcement officer, three court clerks and five police officers. Funds would also include $74,647 to hire one new police officer.

The public can view the proposed budget at Download from the June 8 city council meeting.

Lilburn is also proposing to keep the millage rate at 4.43 mills and is scheduled to make that official at the Aug. 10 city council meeting.