If you live in Johns Creek and have an interest in the arts, zoning or development, the city wants to hear from you. It’s looking for volunteers to serve on its five boards and commissions.

Residents can nominate themselves to the Arts & Culture Board; Public Art Board; Planning Commission; Board of Zoning Appeals; and Construction Board of Appeals. Online applications are being accepted at: bit.ly/2hIrHy1

The two arts boards advise the mayor and City Council on policies and proposals for arts in the city. The Planning Commission reviews zoning cases and makes recommendations to the mayor and Council. Zoning Appeals and Construction Appeals decide variances and code interpretations and hear appeals of staff decisions.

Panel members serve two-year terms except for those on the Public Art Board, who serve four years. Arts & Culture, Planning and Zoning Appeals meet once a month, and Public Art, as proposals are received. Construction Appeals does not currently have a meeting schedule.

Information: bit.ly/2hI5vnn