The Justin Ross Harris hot-car murder trial could wrap up Friday with the end of testimony.

Before the trial adjourned early Thursday, defense attorneys and prosecutors told Cobb County Superior Court Judge Mary Staley Clark they expect to present their last witnesses before the trial breaks for the weekend.

One potentially enormous development, however, could dramatically alter that schedule. That’s whether Harris elects to take the witness stand and testify on his own behalf. If he does make such a decision, it’s a safe assumption he would be on the stand for a number of days.

Lead defense attorney Maddox Kilgore told Staley Clark that, as of now, it appears unlikely that Harris will testify. But he also said the defense team will meet with Harris later in the evening before making such a final decision.

Friday would mark the 21st day of testimony in the trial, which moved to Brunswick after Staley Clark determined a fair and impartial jury could not be selected in Cobb.

If testimony does end on Friday, the defense and the prosecution would give their closing arguments on Monday. That would be followed by Staley Clark’s directions on how jurors must apply the law to the case. This means the jury could begin its deliberations as early as Monday afternoon.

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Credit: Miguel Martinez-Jimenez