The Holly Springs Planning Commission approved one controversial rezoning case, but split down the middle on the other late last week.

Commissioners voted 2-2 on a proposed “age-targeted” single-family detached home development on Vaughan Road. Nearby residents argued that the developer’s proposal to put more than three homes per acre in the approximately 23-acre neighborhood was too dense for the surrounding rural area, and that Vaughn Road might not be able to handle the increase in traffic. The proposal thus heads to the Holy Springs council with no recommendation.

On a 4-0 vote, the commission approved plans to rezone approximately 91 acres at Harmony on the Lakes Drive and Stringer Road for an expansion of the Harmony on the Lakes development. Residents who turned out to oppose the plan objected to connecting the original development and the proposed new area with a road, and were concerned about adequate buffering.

Both proposals will be up for a city council vote Aug. 17