As summer approaches, so do summer vacations.

We're marking the days, making mental checklists of what to pack and counting calories to look great in our swimsuits. However, once we reach our destination, many find themselves gorging on a banquet of hedonistic excess. Sure, we make the excuse of “but I’m on vacation,” but gaining 10 pounds in a week or two might be a tad excessive.

To help travelers stave of the temptation of vacation over-feasting, here are three tips on how to enjoy yourself while maintaining a sensible diet.

  • Pack your own food. That's the advice of David Nico, a motivational speaker and author of Diet Diagnosis. "Always pack healthy organic and non-GMO snacks for peak energy on the go," he says. "That way, when you're tempted to graze on those unhealthy hors d'oeuvres at the hotel restaurant, you can say, 'I brought my own.' "
  • Stay active. "Walk, walk, walk," travel psychologist Michael Brein says, "and do it a lot." I can vouch for that. I've tried everything in my travels, and nothing beats a brisk walk around the neighborhood. "Also, stay out of boulangeries," he adds.
  • Eat what the locals really eat. It's not at the restaurants. Instead, head to the closest grocery store. That's what Melinda Arcara, a Chester Springs, Pa., health coach, does when she travels with her family. "Whatever town we vacation in, we pick up fresh ingredients like fruit, veggies and nuts."

Read more about why it’s so easy to pack on pounds during vacation on