Two historic buildings, just a few blocks from the historic courthouse in Lawrenceville, will benefit from remaining 2009 SPLOST funds. Gwinnett commissioners on Tuesday approved site improvements at the shared location of the Lawrenceville Female Seminary and the historic Isaac Adair House at 455 South Perry Street.

Both structures will gain accessibility in line with the American Disabilities Act as well as, a restroom building, storage, landscaping, bus parking, and other site improvements. Low bidder Tri Scapes Inc. will do the work designed to create better access and promote greater use for school field trips, community meetings and events.

The original seminary was built as a girl’s school in 1838 but was replaced after a fire with the existing structure in the 1850s. The Isaac Adair House, built in the 1820s, was moved to the one-acre seminary site from Chandler Road in 2008 during construction of Sugarloaf Parkway. Its original location was near the intersection of Pike Street and Hurricane Shoals Road.