Fayette County is moving forward with plans for two more roundabouts at busy intersections.

The Board of Commissioners voted 4-0-1 (with Steve Brown absent) on Aug. 9 to approve funds for preliminary engineering work for a project at the intersection of Redwine Road and Peachtree Parkway/Bernhard Road, and another where Brogdon Road meets New Hope Road. Both are on the approved list of projects to be funded by the 2017 Transportation SPLOST.

The Redwine roundabout, which is currently a four-way stop, was planned due to the volume of traffic and will cost approximately $1.64 million. The Brogdon site is now a two-way stop but has a higher number of injury-related crashes; it will cost about $959,000 to reconfigure.

Commissioner Charles Rousseau asked county staff if any temporary measures are possible to improve safety at Brogdon Road in the meantime.