Starting Thursday, citizens who wish to offer comments on any subject to the Fayette County Board of Commissioners won’t have to sit through the entire meeting to present them.

The board voted 5-0 at its Sept. 26 meeting to change its future agendas so that public comments can be heard closer to the beginning of each meeting, just after recognitions/proclamations and public hearings and before the consent agenda and old/new business. Chairman Randy Ognio suggested the change so that comments could be heard before the board’s main deliberations. Speakers are still subject to a five-minute per person time limit, and must sign in at the podium. A comment period is also provided during individual agenda items before the board votes.

Board meetings are held at 6:30 p.m. on the second and fourth Thursday of each month (except holidays) at the Administrative Complex at 140 Stonewall Ave. West in Fayetteville; agendas are posted at