Eddie Owen Presents and Duluth announced a partnership this week with the Community Stages program at Red Clay Music Foundry, formerly Red Clay Theatre. The program opens the historic theatre to local Duluth performance companies, organizations, and other individuals who wish to present live music in line with EOP’s mission and image to entertain, inspire, educate and connect the community through live music and music education.
Event requests are vetted through the programming staff and Duluth City Council to ensure continuity with current offerings. 2015 Community Stages event dates and availabilities: March 22-26, July 26-30, August 1, Sept. 26-27, and Oct.31.
Applications: www.eddieowenpresents.com/communitystages or at Red Clay Music Foundry, 3116 Main Street in Duluth.
Information: 678-892-6373.
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