After completing a review of the city’s current fee schedule, Duluth officials have voted to approve updates to maintain the city’s competitiveness. The recommendations take into account the costs related to the time need to review the variety of applications and inspections. The approved new permit fees reflect a reduction for mechanical/electrical/plumbing from $60 to $25, fences from $100 to $25, and residential roofing from 3 percent of cost to a flat $25.

Proposed fees associated with small cell technology are consistent with the Georgia Municipal Association Master Right-of-Way agreement. These include a base application fee of $500 for up to five sites, and $100 per site additional site. Annual location fee is $500 per piece of equipment in the right-of-way. For new pole installation, fees are $1,350 per pole, per year with a 3 percent annual escalator (plus the $500 per piece of equipment).

The city estimates that half of current home improvements are completed without permitting. Duluth has dedicated a web page toward resident education and will highlight the requirements in an upcoming “Duluth Life” issue. Information: