The Duluth City Council has authorized the City Manager to execute a contract with Brenda Ehly for a mural art project along the Hill Street retaining wall between State Route 120 and West Lawrenceville Street. According to the artist, “the mural design titled, ‘Dream Big’ depicts a cohort of ants embarking on a routine mission. While the majority immediately get down to the business of meeting their quotas and the expectations of those at home, a lone ant dares to dream on a grander scale… the day-to-day checklists of life can sometimes feel like pushing a boulder (or an olive depending on one’s stature) uphill.”
To help build community, Ehly plans to recruit volunteers from Duluth so that one or two individuals can help each day as the mural is installed. Funding for this Duluth Public Art Commission approved project is allocated in the Public Art Acquisition budget.
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