
This past Veteran’s Day, Sunshine On A Ranney Day presented a special home makeover to Jeffrey McLeroy, a veteran with disabilities, and his daughter who together are overcoming challenges of disability every day.

McLeroy proudly served in the United States Army for 13 years, and when she was born, his daughter Angel was diagnosed with cerebral palsy, a neurological disorder affecting the body and muscle movement. Before SOARD, the McLeroys lifted Angel upstairs to her bedroom because it was not wheelchair accessible.

When SOARD reviewed the McLeroys’ application and then went for the home visit, “we knew right away this was the family we had to help,” said founder Holly Ranney. “We saw Angel pull herself up the stairs to get to her room and bathroom and how her mom and siblings helped. Also, Jeffrey has served our country and most of their children are now also serving along with other family members, we knew this was our Veterans Day family.”

The Ranneys and their team transformed the garage of the Fayetteville home into Angel’s new bedroom and accessible bathroom to accommodate all her needs.

“This makeover will enhance our lives by allowing Angel to be more independent while limiting the stress that we, as parents, have about her getting older and not having the ability to assist with her day to day activities,” said McLeroy. “SOARD is a blessing to everyone they touch and we hope the community supports all the amazing things they do for all these families.”

Started by Peter and Holly Ranney, Sunshine On A Ranney Day has dedicated its efforts to creating home makeovers for families with children who have long-term illnesses. They launched SOARD combining Holly’s love for interior design and Pete’s family line of builders to create memorable rooms for kids in need.

“It was a way for Peter and I to do something together with our talents and resources to help children. We started the charity as a hobby but quickly realized the need that was out there and now it has turned into a full time large charity,” said Holly.

SOARD is always looking for construction companies, professional designers, photographers and volunteers to help with home makeovers.

Since SOARD’s founding in 2012, the nonprofit has completed approximately 35 home renovations.

In other news: The YMCA of Metro Atlanta hosted the 30th annual Y-CEO Golf Invitational at the East Lake Golf Club on Oct. 19. This event raised funds to support the Y's teen initiatives that equip Atlanta youth in need with skills that prepare them to become future business and community leaders. This year $280,000 was raised for the Guy Millner Teen Legacy Fund benefitting the YMCA of Metro Atlanta. Since 1985, more than $5 million has supported the Y's teen initiatives through the Legacy Fund.