During its annual conference, the National Association of Counties and the Center for Digital Government recognized DeKalb County and employees for utilizing technology solutions that enable and empower citizens, businesses and the government, according to a press release. The county won seventh place for counties with 500,000 to 999,999 citizens in the 15th anniversary Digital Counties Survey.
The national survey measures county technology-driven performance and innovation. It evaluates counties on 10 characteristics, including transparency, mobility, citizen engagement, collaboration, security, personnel, connectivity, efficiency, resiliency and innovation.
Over the past year, DeKalb County has enhanced its services by leveraging technology in several ways, including:
• Finalized the Hansen Development Services system to enhance operational efficiencies, transparency and customer service across multiple departments by allowing customer interaction for the processing and issuance of building permits, business and alcohol licenses and more.
• Enhanced the legislation process management system featuring agendas, meeting minutes and on demand videos that are available to the public.
• Streamlined the County’s mobile-responsive, customer-focused website that allows ease-of-viewing across different devices.
• Increased engagement with citizens through social media and a countywide weekly e-newsletter.
• Enhanced cyber security systems to proactively prevent and manage threats.
• Expanded deployment of the Integrated Justice Information System that allows for all law enforcement and court agencies to collaborate, eliminating duplicate data sources and simplifying agency interactions.
• Modernized the Public Safety Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) system enhancing dispatch and tracking for 911 and related calls.
Information: dekalbcountyga.gov
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