The planned mural for the MARTA overpass at West Trinity Place and Atlanta Avenue in Decatur has been delayed because lead paint was discovered on the steel support beams. During Monday night’s commission meeting a contract of $58,610 was approved for Clearwater Environmental Resources to remove the old paint.

MARTA will ultimately reimburse the city for this work

“The abatement is a very elaborate process,” said Assistant Director for Community and Economic Development Linda Harris. “You can’t have that old paint hit the street and risk getting in the water system. So they have to be very careful where they put it and where they take it.”

The abatement should start this week and take eight to 10 days. Harris is hoping that North Miami artists Felici Asteinza and Joey Fillastre can begin the mural by mid October with the project taking about a month.

Fillastre estimates the work will require 70 or 80 gallons of paint. The mural could last about 30 years, he said, though it will likely need pressure washing every five years and an occasional touching up.