Decatur Superintendent David Dude announced he’s creating two work groups, one to study enrollment projections and the other disproportionality.

Though he’s hired Ohio firm DeJong-Richter to compile projections, Dude’s now decided he wants input from, among others, area demographers and realtors who have access to more local data sources.

Accurate kindergarten counts, Dude said, are critical to predicting future total enrollment. But kindergarten projections are tricky in Decatur since so many children move into the city after birth.

City Schools Decatur’s K-12 enrollment climbed to an all time high this year of just under 5,100. In the last seven years the kindergarten class has doubled the senior class.

Meantime, during October’s board meeting Dude gave his initial report on disproportionality between black and white students. He presented gaps in achievement in math and English at several different grade levels, along with huge gaps in discipline (black kids are eight time as likely to get disciplined).

But Dude said he wants a more thorough study looking not only at discipline and classroom achievement, but also at attendance, participation in extra-curricular activities and participation in various coursework like the International Baccalaureate program.

Dude envisions both groups as long-term projects, possibly with new members appointed annually.