Cumming man gets 5 years in child porn case

A Cumming man who used a computer file sharing program and the screen name “fallenone666” to trade child pornography was sentenced Thursday to five years in federal prison.

Andrew John Googins, 29, pleaded guilty to distribution, receipt and possession of child pornography on Feb.  3, 2012.

“This defendant collected an enormous number -- more than 120,000 -- of horrible images and videos portraying the sexual abuse of young children,” said U.S. Attorney Sally Quillian Yates. “Googins amassed the collection using computer software, and shared the pornography over the Internet with other offenders. He has justly earned a significant sentence for his role in victimizing these children.”

Googins’ 5-year prison sentence will be followed by supervised release for the rest of his life.

Googins was arrested in October 2010 after a joint investigation by the Forsyth County Sheriff’s Office and FBI, according to Yates. During the initial investigation, an undercover FBI task force officer downloaded images and videos of child pornography from Googins, who was then only identified by the screen name “fallenone666.” The graphic images were traced to Googins’ home in Cumming. Agents and officers executed a search warrant at the residence and seized Googins’ laptop, which contained file sharing software and child pornography, Yates said.