Cops: 8 men beat, robbed N. Fulton teens on way to soccer practice

Edgar Santillan told police and Channel 2 Action News that he was walking to a tryout for a soccer team on June 15 when tried to protect his friend from an attack.

Edgar Santillan told police and Channel 2 Action News that he was walking to a tryout for a soccer team on June 15 when tried to protect his friend from an attack.

Police in Roswell are investigating an incident where a Roswell High School teenager says he and his friend were jumped on the way to soccer practice.

The teen, Edgar Santillan-Garcia, 18, told police he was walking along Old Roswell Road on his way to try out for a soccer team on June 15 around 4 p.m. when he tried to protect his friend from an attack.

His friend’s name was not given in the police report.

"I just tried to separate them," Santillan-Garcia told Channel 2 Action News . "They asked me what my name was, I told them, and they recognized me."

Santillan-Garcia told police that a group of men, about eight or nine of them, followed them further and attacked them. The police report says that Santillan-Garcia and his friend were punched and kicked repeatedly.

The men took a cell phone and $71 in cash from Santillan-Garcia and his friend, according to the police report. Santillan-Garcia had visible injuries to his face and knees when he was interviewed by Channel 2.

The teen said he believes the suspects were a part of a gang. Roswell police said they are looking into whether this crime is related to others in the city.

Santillan-Garcia told Channel 2 he wants the men caught, but “doesn’t really care” what happens to them.

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Edgar Santillan was jumped and robbed on June 15 in an attempt to protect another friend from a similar incident.