The College Park City Council will hold a public hearing during the regular meeting at 7:30 p.m. Monday at City Hall Council Chambers, 3667 Main St. The hearing is the second of three to receive comments on the adoption of the proposed millage rate for Fiscal Year 2016-2017. 12.619 mills is the proposed rate, the same rate for the city since 2012, which places net taxes levied for 2016-17 at $241,000 less than the previous year.

The hearing is also for considering two conditional use permits. One permit is allow for retail sale of bulk landscape materials on Roosevelt Highway near the intersection of Herschel Road. The second is to allow an ambulance service at 3505 Naturally Fresh Boulevard.

Another agenda item is to consider approval of recommended changes to striping, signage and the speed limit along Virginia Avenue at Lee Street. The council will also consider approval for renewing a service agreement with Fire Recovery USA for the collection of fees for the city’s response to motor vehicle accidents, vehicle fires, and hazardous material incidents.
