Through Oct. 18, many Cobb County residents can expect a visit from a U.S. Census Bureau canvasser to verify their address for the 2020 Census.

This process involves Census employees from Cobb visiting neighborhoods to verify the location of houses, apartments, shelters and other places where people could live or stay, according to a county statement.

Canvassers will attempt to knock on every door in these neighborhoods.

Watch this two-minute video, describing the process and how to identify officials:

The U.S. Census Bureau provides an important view on how our nation is changing, ensures that each community gets the right number of representatives in government and helps with the equitable distribution of public funds.

This federal and state funding includes educational programs, healthcare, law enforcement and highways.

To get the most accurate information, everyone in Cobb should be counted where they reside and properly identified by their demographic information.
