Cherokee County families seeking resources for students with disabilities are invited to an Agency Fair of the Special Education Department of the Cherokee School District on March 20.
The event is scheduled for 2:30 to 5 p.m. at the Cherokee County South Annex, Building 200, 7545 Main St., Woodstock. Parents and teachers are invited to come learn about organizations that provide services for children with disabilities, and resources from preschool through post-secondary options, according to an event flyer.
Kim Linek, disability specialist at Georgia Highlands College, will be the featured speaker at 4 p.m. Linek will talk about preparing students to transition to college, having special needs met while a college student, and ensuring accommodations are in place for a successful transition.
Those with questions can contact Debby Carty‐Campbell at debby.carty‐ or 770-721-8523.
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