The Cherokee County School District announced a Centralized Summer Registration Center that will let parents register students new to the district in June and early July, rather than waiting for school front offices to reopen on July 12.

“Following the success this past year of our online registration system, this center is the next step in improving customer service for new students’ families,” said schools Superintendent Brian V. Hightower.

The center will register students in any grade, new to the district for the 2019-20 school year, officials said. After using the district's New Student Gateway to register online from home, parents will bring legally required documents to the center, at the Educational Services Annex, 1020 Keeter Road, Canton, for verification to complete the process.

The center will operate June 10-28 and July 8-12. Appointments will be available, but walk-ins also will be accepted between 8 a.m. and 3 p.m. The center will close July 12 when school front offices reopen. Information: