Cherokee County high school students exceeded state and national averages in SAT scores recently released by the College Board, according to a school district announcement.
The Class of 2019 earned an average total score of 1115 on the curriculum-based, college entrance and placement exam – 76 points higher than the national public school average, and 67 points higher than Georgia’s, district officials said. All six public high schools in Cherokee County exceeded state and national averages.
“These results show dedication and diligence on the part of our students and teachers and the families and partners that support them,” said schools Superintendent Brian V. Hightower.
The SAT includes two, 800-point sections: Evidence Based Reading & Writing, and Mathematics, with a possible total score of 1600, the district said. A third section, a writing exam, is optional. Cherokee schools' average reading and writing score was 566, and average math score, 549. Information:
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