The Chamblee Police Department has created the Chamblee Public Safety Cadets Program. The first meeting is scheduled for 6 p.m. Jan. 7 in the Police Department Training Room, 3518 Broad St., 2nd Floor, Chamblee.
“I’m truly excited about the opportunity to invest in our youth. This program will allow the Chamblee Police Department to work with young people in our community to bridge the gap of trust, while building healthy relationships,” said Chamblee Police Chief Kerry Thomas. “This program also will allow police advisors an opportunity to provide positive mentoring, career exploration, personal development, good citizenship and the enhancement of youth leadership abilities. This is community-oriented policing at its best—our community and police working together for a safer community.”
The Public Safety Cadet Program prepares young adults (ages 14-20) for a career in law enforcement and other public safety professions. The mission of the Public Safety Cadet Program is to mentor young adults to serve their communities by providing knowledge, skills and practical experiences through education and training delivered by public safety professionals who build character, physical fitness and respect for the rule of law and human/civil rights.
CPD will accept applications this month and will make selections after the Jan. 7 meeting.
Contacts for the program, Captain Ernesto Ford or Lieutenant Roy Collar, can be reached at or
Information: or (770) 986-5005.
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