Canton has announced public hearings for later this month on a tentative millage rate that will require a 2.7 percent increase in property taxes.

The hearings are set for 11 a.m. and 6 p.m., July 19, and 2 p.m., July 26, in the council chambers at Canton City Hall, 151 Elizabeth St.

The city is proposing a millage rate of 5.400 mills. Though unchanged from last year, it’s higher than the rollback millage rate; the rollback rate is to produce “the same total revenue on the current year’s digest that last year’s millage rate would have produced had no reassessments occurred,” according to the city.

“Without this tentative tax increase, the millage rate will be no more than 5.258 mills,” the city said.

The proposed tax increase for a home with a fair market value of $200,000 is about $11.36, according to the city. Information: