The Avondale Estates community group Second Century is hosting a forum addressing bicycle and pedestrian accessibility from 7 p.m.-9 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 28, at Avondale Estates City Hall, 21 North Avondale Plaza.

The meeting’s driven in part by residents wanting to revisit the possibility of a road diet on that stretch of U.S. Highway 278 running through downtown.

The city already has plans for that corridor. Earlier this year Avondale received a $128,000 grant from the Atlanta Regional Commission to help redesign 278 from Ashton Place to Sams Crossing.

That projected $2.8 million project includes sidewalks on both side of 278—excepting the south side hedges which are on the National Register of Historic Places—and four medians. It doesn’t include slicing 278 from five to three lanes, which many residents favor.

The Georgia Department of Transportation has long been reluctant toward any scheme slowing traffic along state roads. Nevertheless, two members of GDOT will attend Wednesday’s forum, State Traffic Engineer Andrew Heath and Bicycle and Pedestrian Engineer Katelyn Digioia.