A Paulding County middle school student allegedly pierced one classmate's navel and apparently was planning to do others, just in time for spring break, before school officials put a stop to it.
She learned how to do the belly button work by watching YouTube, the girl allegedly told police. The girl's name was not disclosed because she is a juvenile; neither were her age and grade.
The principal at Moses Middle School in Dallas called Paulding County Sheriff's deputies March 29 to report that the girl had pierced another student at school, according to an incident report obtained by the AJC.
Two other students had piercing needles that apparently also were going to be used, the report states.
The student who did the piercing told deputies that her cousin had ordered the supplies online and had them shipped to another classmate's home, according to authorities. But she denied she planned to pierce other belly buttons.
In addition to the two unused piercing needles, Principal Gary Plunkett gave police 13 navel rings and a used needle, the report states. All of the piercing supplies were taken into custody, and the needles were destroyed.
The student was charged with reckless conduct and piercing the body of a person under 18, and she was released to her mother, sheriff's deputies said.
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