An Alpharetta company was raided by authorities Wednesday as part of a local crackdown on synthetic marijuana, Channel 2 Action News reported.

No arrests were made at Nutragenomics Manufacturing on Holcomb Bridge Road, but agents said the bust could impact sales all over the country.

"This is a major national distributor of the synthetic cannabinoids," GBI Special Agent Rusty Grant told Channel 2.

An announcement about a nationwide crackdown is expected to be made Thursday afternoon in Washington, D.C.

State and federal authorities seized evidence, primarily documents, from the Alpharetta business. Investigators said the company distributes chemicals used to make synthetic marijuana and other substances that are now illegal in Georgia.

Stuart Mones, an attorney for the company, told Channel 2, "We are still processing it. The only thing to keep in mind is it was a warrant. No one is placed into custody."

Last week, Nutragenomics Manufacturing was temporarily banned from doing business in West Virginia, where Attorney General Darrell McGraw has sued the company. He alleged in April that Nutragenomics was a "significant distributor" of ingredients used to make bath salts, synthetic marijuana and other drugs.

—The Associated Press contributed to this article.

About the Author


In 2020, ministers and seminary students were sent to polling locations throughout the state to monitor, offer encouragement and diffuse tense situations as a part of the New Georgia Project’s Faith Initiative. (Christina Matacotta for the AJC)

Credit: Christina Matacotta for the AJC