The Alpharetta City Council has given conditional approval for an animal hospital at 1150 Upper Hembree Road.

The applicant, Scott Hutchison of Wilson Hutchison Realty LLC, requested rezoning 2.48 acres from O-I (Office-Institutional) to C-1 (Neighborhood Commercial) and a conditional use allowing the Paw Patch Animal Clinic, according to a staff report to the council.

It would occupy an existing, single-story, 4,162-square-foot building that formerly was an adolescent counseling center and before that, a residence, staff said.

Conditions include hours of operation limited to 7 a.m. to 7 p.m., Monday through Saturday; no kennel or boarding facilities except for animals kept overnight for incidental care; exterior modifications to be residential in character; and 50-foot buffers to the north and east to be replanted where sparse.

In a letter to neighbors, clinic representatives said there will be no outdoor kennels, dogs will be leashed and walked within a fenced area, and cats and smaller pets will be treated entirely indoors.