Acworth residents will pay less on one rate but more on another rate and possibly no tax increases.

The Acworth Board of Aldermen voted 5-0 Thursday to decrease the environmental compliance cost recovery rate.

Acworth City Manager Brian Bulthuis said in a Friday email to The Atlanta Journal-Constitution the decrease may be 50 cents on an average bill but “it all depends on usage.”

However, the sanitation rate increase will take effect Aug. 1 - from $20.50 a month to $21 monthly, Bulthuis said.

About the general fund budget, which runs July 1 to June 30, 2018, the total is $14,677,638 - a decrease from the 2017 budget of $15,113,379 which ends June 30, he added.

However, the overall budget will be about $35 million, according to the city’s May 18 minutes.

Included in this Fiscal Year 2018 budget will be new positions for the Human Resources director and accounting technician, a new Building Maintenance Department and a new sanitation truck.

“It is not anticipated that the city will change the millage rate which is currently 7.6 mills,” Bulthuis said.

The millage rate will be set during the 7 p.m. July 20 preceded by a special called meeting and public hearing at 7 p.m. July 13 about the millage rate.

The city has a fund balance in its contingency of $4.7 million, he said.