A rezoning request was tabled at the Jan. 21 regular meeting of the Henry County Board of Commissioners after no action was taken on a requested amendment to the county’s Future Land Use Map for the same site.

When it came time to vote on the FLUM amendment, no one made a motion to approve or deny. The applicant requested that the rezoning be tabled so there was no requirement for a board vote on that. The site in question, on the north side of Hampton-Locust Grove Road and to the north of Brindley Way, was the subject of a petition for rezoning from RA to R-3 as well as change in the FLUM designation from commercial to low-density residential. This is a 41-acre piece of property just west of the Hwy. 155 intersection and south of a distribution center, in an area where several zoning districts come together, according to county staff.