Not many conservatives are morning the news of the retirement of Sen. Orrin Hatch, (R-Utah). On the other hand, the passing of Al Frankin, (D-Minn.), couldn’t be better news. A roundup of editorials looks at the two  departures and hints that more would be welcome.

1. Al Franken's touching departure

From columnist Ann Coulter: Franken was not given the chance to fully defend himself, but he should be used to that. It’s the same thing he did to others.

2. An unfond farewell to un-statesman Orrin Hatch

From Michelle Malkin: Will you be sad to see Orrin Hatch leave the Senate? Most conservatives won’t.

3. Trump is right about the FBI

From Paul Callan: Who else needs to leave Washington? The FBI leadership that put the department in an uncomfortable position.