Sunday sales supporters plan rally Wednesday

A loosely organized group of Georgians is planning a rally at the Capitol on Wednesday to support local referendums for Sunday sales of alcohol.

Jamie Dempsey from Gwinnett County, who supported Sunday sales of alcohol by the drink in Snellville, and others are putting the word out via social media, such as the Facebook page Sunday Sales Rally, and are waiting to see how many show up on the west steps of the Capitol at noon.

"The biggest issue is that it was very interesting that Senate Bill 10 was hidden in [the Republican] caucus and essentially killed in caucus," Dempsey said.

The right thing to do would have been to allow people to vote on it, he said.

The Republican Senate caucus polled its 36 members last week and decided not to move the bill out of committee for debate and a floor vote. The 20 Democratic state senators had no role in the process.

It is unclear whether a similar bill in the House will move forward after what happened in the Senate.