North Fulton homeowners concerned about rising property tax assessments will get a chance to get a few things off their chests at a town hall meeting Tuesday.

County Commissioner Liz Hausmann will host a meeting at 6:30 p.m. at the Johns Creek Environmental Campus, 8100 Holcomb Bridge Road, Alpharetta. Residents will learn how property tax assessments are calculated and how they can appeal if they disagree with the tax value of their property. Chief Appraiser David Fitzgibbon and Board of Equalizations Director Melvin Richardson will attend.

The county recently mailed notices of assessment to the owners of hundreds of thousands of properties. The assessments show the county’s estimate of each owner’s property value this year. Those values will help determine the size of property tax bills to be mailed later this year.

Countywide, residential values rose an average of 10 percent this year. But in some areas they rose much more. Other counties are seeing even larger increases.