Gwinnett getting grayer: 1 out of 5 will be seniors by 2040

It’s not just your imagination, Gwinnett County. You’re getting older.

According to a recent Atlanta Regional Commission forecast, about 9 percent of Gwinnett’s population is 65 or older today. But seniors will account for 21 percent of the county’s population by 2040.

That’s just one nugget contained in the ARC’s 2040 forecast for Gwinnett County. The forecast also says:

*Gwinnett will surpass Fulton as Georgia’s largest county, with nearly 1.4 million residents.

*Non-Hispanic whites are already a minority in Gwinnett. But the county will become even more diverse. By 2040 37 percent of residents will be Hispanic, 29 percent white, 20 percent black and 14 percent “other.”

Gwinnett is expected to add 156,000 jobs by then – a 40 percent increase. Construction and technology jobs will drive that growth.

According to the ARC, the 20-county Atlanta region will add 2.5 million people by 2040, bringing the total population to more than 8 million.

You can take a look at the Gwinnett forecast yourself here and see what ARC says about other counties here.