The criteria Georgia hopes it can use to judge schools as having made adequate yearly progress (AYP):
*All of these criteria would be given equal weight.
High School
1). Cohort graduation rate
2). Student attendance rate
3). Percent of students completing 3 or more Pathway Courses
4). Percent of CTAE Pathway Completers earning a CTAE-industry recognized credential
5). Percent of tested students earning a Work Ready Certificate on the ACT Work Key assessment
6). Percent of graduated students entering Technical College System of Georgia technical colleges and/or University System of Georgia 2 or 4 year colleges and universities not requiring remediation or support courses
7). Percent of students earning high school credit(s) for accelerated enrollment via Accel, Dual HOPE Grant, Move on When Ready, Early College, Gateway to College, Articulated Credit, Advanced Placement or International Baccalaureate courses
8). Percent of graduates earning 2 or more high school credits in the same world language
9). Percent of AP exams receiving scores of 3 or higher and/or percent of IB exams receiving scores of 4 or higher
10).Percent of tested graduates scoring a minimum of 22 on the ACT (out of 36)
11). Percent of tested graduates scoring a minimum of 1550 on the SAT (out of 2400)
12). Percent of students coring at exceed on the Georgia High School Writing Test
13). Percent of students scoring at meets or exceeds on the Ninth Grade Literature End of Course Test
14). Percent of students scoring at meets or exceeds on the American Literature End of Course Test
15). Percent of students scoring at meets or exceeds on the Mathematics I (or GPS Algebra) End of Course Test
16). Percent of students scoring at meets or exceeds on the Mathematics II (or GPS Geometry) End of Course Test
17). Percent of students scoring meets or exceed on the Physical Science End of Course Test
18) Percent of students scoring meets or exceeds on the Biology End of Course Test
19). Percent of students scoring meets or exceeds on the U.S. History End of Course Test
20). Percent of students scoring meets or exceeds on the Economics End of Course Test
Middle School
1).Percent of students scoring at meets or exceeds in ELA
2). Percent of students scoring at meets or exceeds in reading
3). Percent of students scoring at meets or exceeds in mathematics
4). Percent of students scoring at meets or exceeds in science
5). Percent of students scoring at meets or exceeds in social studies
6). Percent of students scoring at meets or exceeds on the Grade 8 Writing Assessment
7). Percent of students in Grade 8 achieving a Lexile Measure greater than 1050
8). Student attendance rate
9). Percent of English learners with positive movement from one Performance Band to a higher Performance Band
10). Percent of students with disabilities served in general education environments greater than 80 percent of the school day
11). Percent of students in Grade 8 passing at least four courses in core content areas
12). Percent of students in Grade 8 with a complete individual Graduation Plan documented in GaCollege411
13). Percent of students completing 3 or more Career Interest Inventories from a preferred Career Interest System within GaCollege411
Elementary Schools
1). Percent of students scoring at meets or exceeds in ELA
Percent of students scoring at meets or exceeds in reading
Percent of students scoring at meets or exceeds in mathematics
Percent of students scoring at meets or exceeds in social studies
Percent of students scoring at meets or exceeds in science
Percent of students scoring at meets or exceeds with the Georgia Five Writing Assessment
Percent of students in Grade 3 achieving a Lexile measure greater than 650
Percent of students in Grade 5 achieving a Lexile measure greater than 850
Student attendance rate
Percent of English Learners with positive movement from one Performance Band to a higher Performance Band
Percent of students with disabilities served in general education environments greater than 80 percent of the school day
Percent of fifth grade students completing 10 Career Awareness Modules
Percent of fifth grade students with a Career Portfolio in GaCollege411
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