Fulton County tax bills, delayed for more than two months because of an error in calculating property tax exemptions, should go out by Thursday.
The tax bills usually go out in July, but the error led to problems calculating the tax digest. Now that it has been properly calculated, the bills can be sent.
Fulton County taxes will not be due until mid-November, a month later than is normal.
The delay caused problems for some groups. The Atlanta Public Schools borrowed $60 million to cover an expected cash flow gap. Interest on the loan will cost the district nearly $150,000.
The delay in sending tax bills means money will come in later than expected.
As a result of the delay, Fulton County commissioners will hear a proposal at their meeting next Wednesday that would require the tax assessor’s office and others to report more regularly to the county’s chief financial officer and to commissioners. It would also require more frequent meetings and better communication about the tax digest.
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