Most Cobb County public high schools had better average scores on the SAT during the 2015-16 school year than they did the prior school year, according to data released Tuesday by state education department officials.

Twelve schools had higher average composite scores while four had lower composite scores, an Atlanta Journal-Constitution analysis found.

The statewide average increased from 1450 to 1459. Ten of Cobb’s 16 high schools had average scores that were higher than the state average. The average score in Cobb was 1520, district officials said.

The scores are for the “traditional” version of the SAT. Some student took a new version of the SAT. The College Board did not release school or district-level results for the new SAT because of the smaller number of students who took that test version.

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution has a database with scores for all Georgia public schools. To review it, click here.

Here are the high schools with the top three and bottom three average composite scores in Cobb:

Highest average composite score:

Walton High School 1730

Lassiter High School 1654

Pope High School 1649

Lowest average composite score:

Osborne High School 1227

Pebblebrook High School 1286

South Cobb 1329

You can find information about Cobb County Schools, such as test scores, graduation rates, and school climate ratings at the Ultimate Atlanta School Guide.

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