Students who want to take the SAT on Aug. 26 are running out of time to sign up to take the college entrance exam.

The initial deadline is Friday, July 28, according to the College Board, which organizes the SAT. The final deadline to sign up electronically or by telephone is Aug. 15.

College Board officials are offering the SAT for the first time during the summer months. They decided to change the test-taking schedule in response to feedback from students and educators. There will no longer be a January administration of the exam.

College Board officials believe creating earlier opportunities to take the SAT before submitting college applications will give students more time to focus on coursework, school activities and college applications in the fall of their senior year. Some experts believe the additional time to study for the exam may produce better results.

To read The Atlanta Journal-Constitution's 2016 coverage about how Georgia students fared on the SAT, click here.

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