The first TV ad opposing the proposed Opportunity School District airs today.

The 30-second ad is the handiwork of the Committee to Keep Georgia Schools Local. Members of the group include the Georgia Association of Educators, Georgia AFL-CIO, PAGE, Georgia Stand-Up, the Coalition for the People’s Agenda, Public Education Matters, Southern Education Foundation, Working America, Pro Georgia, Better Georgia, Georgia Federation of Teachers and Concerned Black Clergy of Metro Atlanta.

“The Amendment 1 ballot language is intentionally deceptive,” says Keep Georgia Schools Local campaign manager Louis Elrod. “That’s why we have to move quickly to educate voters about the pie-in-the-sky promises they’ll see at the polls. If you read the fine print, you’ll see that Amendment 1 will silence parents and teachers and hand over local control of our schools to an unelected, unaccountable political appointee who can close schools without public input and fire teachers without cause. We have to use our voices now to stop the state takeover.

To see the ad, go to the AJC Get Schooled blog.