More states are legalizing marijuana for medical and recreational uses, but some researchers are concerned about accidental ingestion and “second-hand” effects on children.
There's been a 30 percent increase each year from 2005 to 2011 of reported pediatric marijuana intoxication cases to poison control centers in the United States in states where marijuana is legal, CNN reported.
Marijuana intoxication is when a child ingests marijuana products or inhales marijuana smoke. The symptoms vary in severity, but can include sleepiness, decreased short-term memory, seizures, or even heart attacks, according to MedlinePlus.
Researchers believe more children are being hospitalized because there’s more access to cannabis products within the home, especially edibles which often look like candies or baked goods and have colorful packaging, CNN reported.
“Parents need to understand that kids can actually get sick from this stuff,” Dr. G. Sam Wang, a pediatric toxicologist at Children's Hospital Colorado in Aurora, told CNN.
Wang suggests education, packaging regulations and THC dose regulations to help lower the number of children being hospitalized, CNN reported.
Read more at CNN and MedlinePlus.
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