A check-fraud scam at a Gwinnett bank turned violent when a 67-year-old security guard intervened and ended with the accused crook being stabbed, police reported Friday.
The guard “stabbed the fraud suspect as he was trying to get out the front doors,” said Cpl. Michele Pihera of Gwinnett Police. “The security guard stood at the front door trying to prevent him from leaving. When the suspect tried to pass him, the guard stabbed him.”
The assault happened Wednesday at a Brand Bank in the Grayson area when Ivan Clark, 29, tried to cash a fraudulent check, said Cpl. Deon Washington of Gwinnett Police.
Bank employees alerted Gwinnett police to a “fraud in progress” and guard Dale Taylor confronted Clark as he was trying to leave, Washington said.
Taylor stabbed Clark in the abdomen, who then fled on foot but didn’t get far. Police found the wounded man 25 minutes later a half mile from the bank, and he was taken to the hospital,Washington said.
On Thursday, detectives arrested both men for aggravated assault. Taylor was booked into the Gwinnett jail and Clark, who was also charged with forgery, remains hospitalized.
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