Emory University President Gregory L. Fenves said Friday he was “saddened” and “horrified” at protests that took place at the school Thursday, but that actions that disrupt the campus will not be tolerated.
In his message, Fenves doubled down on the school’s assertions that “highly organized, outside protesters” were to blame for the disturbance.
“I am horrified that members of our community had to experience and witness such interactions,” he said. “The fact that members of our community were arrested upsets me even more and is something that I take very seriously.”
Emory students and faculty who were at the Thursday morning protest said the use of force by law enforcement was “unnecessary,” and many of them have complained about the university’s assertion that outsiders were to blame.
“Unleashing violent police officers to clear a peaceful student encampment has done more to escalate the situation than any protest ever could,” read a letter to university leaders signed by more than 100 student organizations.
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution requested to speak with Fenves. That request was denied.