A teenager has been charged in connection with the theft of American flags in Cherokee County.

Cherokee Sheriff’s Lt. Jay Baker said Monday the 16-year-old was arrested Saturday after authorities received a tip that one of the stolen flags had been spotted in the bed of a pickup truck. Deputies found the truck and confirmed that it contained one of the stolen flags, Baker said.

The teenager, whose name was not released due to his age, was arrested and released to his parents, Baker said.

Baker said last week that nine flags were stolen from the “Avenue of Flags” display organized by the Towne Lake Optimist Club.

According to Optimist Club officials, area business owners and residents paid $35 each to have the flags displayed in front of their property on six federal holidays throughout the year. The money raised benefitted local youth groups.

The flags were taken Sunday night or early Monday of last week, Baker said.

Two were stolen from Running Deer Parkway, two from Towne Lake Hills South Drive, two from near the Wendy’s on Towne Lake Parkway, one from Victoria Road, one from Township Drive and one from in front of the Chick-Fil-A on Towne Lake Parkway.

Baker said the 3-foot by 5-foot flags were on 10-foot metal poles and were valued at $40 each. He asked that anyone with information on the thefts call investigators at 770-928-0239.