4 Ky. cheer coaches fired over alleged hazing with alcohol, public nudity

University of Kentucky head cheer coach Jomo Thompson was fired after the hazing probe
Light Alcohol Consumption Is Linked to Increased Cancer Risk, Says Study.Conducted by scientists in Japan, the study was published in the journal, 'Cancer.'.They found a 5% increase of cancer risk for people who drink alcohol even moderately.The amount of daily drinking equated to either two ounces of whiskey, six ounces of wine or 17 ounces of beer.During the study, the drinking habits of about 63,000 cancer patients were compared to the same number of people without cancer.Colon, throat,

Credit: Courtesy of Vimeo

Credit: Courtesy of Vimeo

Light Alcohol Consumption Is Linked to Increased Cancer Risk, Says Study.Conducted by scientists in Japan, the study was published in the journal, 'Cancer.'.They found a 5% increase of cancer risk for people who drink alcohol even moderately.The amount of daily drinking equated to either two ounces of whiskey, six ounces of wine or 17 ounces of beer.During the study, the drinking habits of about 63,000 cancer patients were compared to the same number of people without cancer.Colon, throat,

Four University of Kentucky cheer coaches and the school’s lawyer have been fired after allegations of hazing involving alcohol and public nudity of the cheer squad’s nationally recognized members, according to a University of Kentucky news release Monday.

The firings of head coach Jomo Thompson and assistant coaches Kelsey LaCroix, Ben Head and Spencer Clan came after a three-month internal investigation that found the coaching staff failed to provide oversight during the team's off-campus events, according to a report by the Lexington Herald-Leader. A longtime university attorney, T. Lynn Williamson, was also fired in connection to the investigation. He had served the university for the last four decades.

The investigation found that squad members took part in hazing activities, including alcohol use and public nudity.

The coaching staff reportedly “knew or reasonably should have known” about the team’s conduct and did not take sufficient steps to address the conduct after learning about it, according to the news release.

Thompson had been with the university since 1996. The cheerleading team has won 24 national titles. More than 40 team members make up the 2019-2020 roster, including three students from metro Atlanta, senior Caleb Blattner of Atlanta, senior Jacob Burnett of Marietta and junior Alexandria Thomas of Peachtree City.

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