The AJC wants to hear from you

We are seeking your thoughts about Atlanta city elections and our coverage
210608-Atlanta- Candidates for Atlanta City Council districts 7, 8, 9, 11 and 12 answer questions during a forum sponsored by the Committee for a Better Atlanta on Tuesday morning, June 8, 2021 in Atlanta.  Ben Gray for the Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Credit: Ben Gray

Credit: Ben Gray

210608-Atlanta- Candidates for Atlanta City Council districts 7, 8, 9, 11 and 12 answer questions during a forum sponsored by the Committee for a Better Atlanta on Tuesday morning, June 8, 2021 in Atlanta. Ben Gray for the Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Our journalists are working very hard each day to keep you informed on the latest developments in the race to run Atlanta City Hall.

Unfortunately, even as committed as we are to our mission, we may miss stories that are of concern for you and your neighbors. Please reach out to us through any of the following ways. We look forward to hearing from you.

Got tips?

Please send any questions, story tips, or suggestions to us at, or to our City Hall reporters, and

Talk to the candidates:

What issues are most important to you? And what would you ask candidates if you had the chance? Your suggestions could be included in our election stories. Take our short survey

Think we are missing the mark?

The Atlanta Journal Constitution’s news gathering is conducted free of bias, partisanship or favor.

Our news staff is committed to objectivity. The credibility of our reporting depends on it.

If you think any of our coverage lacks fairness, we would like to hear from you. Email Managing Editor Leroy Chapman.


Read about how The Atlanta Journal-Constitution is covering the mayor’s race and city council elections and our commitment to be a comprehensive and unbiased source of campaign and election news.